Our Services



Hands-on treatment sessions are nourishing, nurturing, informative, and practical. 

Individualized treatments draw on movement repatterning, myofascial release, polarity therapy, reflexology, and much more, all folded in to a somatic experiential anatomy approach to help you know your body better. Touch and movement are the first senses humans develop, and they underlie everything we do. Give yourself the benefit of improved sensory awareness, soft responsive muscles and joints, and new options for mobility. Come with your challenges, questions, and habits, and we’ll find out what’s ready to shift.

If you’re here because something hurts, the first essential is to get out of pain.

Start with a bodywork session to address the things that are hurting and get a little more information about why there might be pain in the first place. Once things have settled down, we can get in further in to the questions and curiosities and patterns that are ready to change.

$45-$95/hr, sliding scale



Seeking some personalized movement support?

Movement repatterning sessions are custom built to address your interests and difficulties. Whether you are encountering challenges with daily movements, are feeling stuck in your personal movement practice, or are training for a new project or goal, movement repatterning sessions offer an opportunity to address underlying movement patterns, build new movement habits, increase power and efficiency, and replace pain with ease. Any time you have questions, challenges, specific goals, or interests that public classes or personal research are not addressing, a movement repatterning session is the way to go. Bring your questions and a sense of curiosity!

Let’s dig in to your habits, sticking places, and challenges and make some positive change.

$45-$95/hr, sliding scale



Hands-on, movement-based, experiential anatomy workshops

Experiential anatomy is a simple, practical, hands-on way to learn the names, shapes, and locations of your bones, joints, and tissues.

Experiential anatomy classes prioritize your lived experience of your body as the basis for understanding, and as the most essential tool you have for learning to move with ease, efficiency, and confidence.

During class, you’ll discover the feeling and function of your unique structure through touch and movement exploration, and clarify your internal picture of yourself through viewing anatomical models and illustrations. There will be plenty of opportunities to ask and investigate questions, so be sure to bring your curiosity!

Upcoming Workshops:

None right now.
Check back here soon for updates!

Have an idea for a workshop topic?
Send it to me and I’ll see what I can do!